Keep your seasonable business profitable all year long with these tips

Every seasonal company is scared of the off-peak season. The level of business slips, the revenue drops (and in some situations ceases completely), and the shop begins to resemble no man's land. But, just because the company and business has slowed down, that doesn't mean you just have to give in to it.

Here are a few suggestions to make off-season months more profitable for you:

Cater to customers in other markets where your product may be relevant

Just because your business isn’t in season in one location doesn’t mean that there isn’t a demand elsewhere.

Let’s say your company makes fleece blankets. You likely see an influx of business in the winter months in the United States and business begins to drop off in the spring and summer months. During the slow summer season, can you market that you ship to Australia or colder parts of the world who are in the middle of their winter? You can also target customers who will be going on vacation to those colder climates during the summer months. Another idea would be if your blankets are customizable you could market them to new parents who would want a keepsake for their new baby.

See if you can adopt a similar strategy like the example above to your business. If your goods or services are needed in other parts of the world during your slow times, make sure to look for those openings.

Partner with a complementary business to boost traffic during slow months

If you’re a restaurant owner, you know you are going to see a dip in traffic during January and February. Most people eat out a LOT during the holiday months and spend the beginning parts of the new year trying to get their eating back on track, or they’ve started a new diet.

This means that your target audience is likely frequenting a gym or fitness studio.

Reach out to local gyms and fitness studios in your area to offer a special just for their customers. Ask them to partner with you to promote a healthy option you have on your menu in exchange for marketing your menu item as being just for them.

Build your digital community and establish your story online

Social media gives you tons of opportunities to connect with people all year round, so keep your blog and social accounts active all year - even in the slow season! Reminding your customers all year that you are around and getting ready for when they’ll be back, keeps you top of mind and establishes that you are the go-to resource for your business’ product.

Reach out to the media

Publications typically schedule their stories months in advance, and if you decide to produce a magazine story just in time for the industry's peak season, you'll have to meet reporters early. Take advantage of the sluggish months to collect information on local reporters and publications. Find out their editorial schedules and you will know exactly when to submit your pitch.

Get networking!

Using the slow months to extend your network and your skills is key to winning your customer’s attention.

Attend conferences offering opportunities for learning and networking so you can get to know people and any new developments in your field. Conferences, trade shows, chamber of commerce meetings, and even small business meetings can help you develop new connections and skills you can use in your industry so don't miss any opportunities.

Your company may be seasonal but your revenue doesn’t have to be. Put these tips into practice and you’ll discover opportunities to succeed during the entire year.

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